
Announcements for the week

2/16/25 – NHF First Steps Class.  We will meet in the Fellowship Hall right after the10:30.  Lunch and childcare will be provided. If you know of anyone interested in becoming a member of NHF, please have them sign up at the Welcome Desk or call the church office.

3/1 – Youth Pancake Breakfast in the Fellowship Hall from 8-10AM.  Tickets available for purchase in the hall.  $10 for adults, $5 for kids.

3/6 – Men’s Breakfast and Bible study.  From 6-7AM, meet in the Fellowship Hall.

3/6 – Men’s Beast Feast and Chili Cook off 6-8PM.

3/9 – Embrace Grace Baby Shower 1:30-2:30PM.

3/23 – No Sunday night activities (LB groups, Hifi).

3/26 – No Wednesday night activities (LB groups, Hifi).

3/24-3/28 – Spring Break Week

- Tithes and offerings can be dropped off in the containers at the doors exiting the Worship Auditorium.  You can also give online at the link below.